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Graniteville, SC 29829
(803) 334-1219
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Last Updated:
11/27/2015 10:23 AM

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7-25-20: Ellie was adopted from our rescue 5 years ago and returned in February 2020 because of a voluntary lifestyle change by owner. She was 9 years old and it is always difficult to find a home for a senior dog, plus we've had to stop adoption events due to covid ... a wonderful young lady saw Ellie's story online and today, Ellie has found her forever home! Happy trails Ellie!


3-3-18: Emma was at the North Augusta shelter, SAA pulled her and today she found her forever home! Happy trails Emma!

Ellie Mae

2-17-18: Ellie Mae was a stray in North Augusta, Shelter Animals Advocates pulled her and today at North Augusta Pet Smart she found her forever home! Congratulations Ellie Mae!


8-14-16: Happy Gotcha Day to Elle ... she was HW+ on death row and found her forever home one year ago today .... it's been a very good year for Ms. Elle (and her family) may you have many many more!



Emily pulled from Aiken County SC Shelter death row in Sept 2015 completed HW treatment and found forever home November 2015  

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